Queens of the track

Fernando Pinto, Luis Guijarro and the student Rubén Burgos. Near the track is the centre of technicians for the control of fauna of the Diputación Foral de Bizkaia. There are 50 falcons of different species in the centre: Pilgrims, Geritafes, Sacres, Lanarios and hybrids. Guijarro: "Falcons are athletes who have to be physically and mentally fit". With the first rays of sun, before the take-off of the first plane, technicians select falcons for the first scattering flights. The falcons, together with the environmental technicians, travel in a van on their way to the track. Dispersion flights are made on the taxiway, between planes. Until a few seconds before the flight, the view of the falcon is cancelled to keep the animal calm. If the weather permits, falcons make between 10 and 15 flights a day. First flight of the day. After the flight of the falcons, the planes take off. The flight ends when Luis shakes a whip with a lure. The falcon takes a few seconds to return. Every good flight deserves a reward. Marking flights are the most common ones. Falcons fly at 300-600 for one hour, depending on temperature. Guijarro: "Food has to be taken care of in detail. We measure the quantity meticulously, as the birds do not spend their energy in vain; they do it for hunger. Guijarro: "Most flights don't get the prey; the animals run away from the taxiway." Guijarro: "When I finish working I like to spend time with the falcons. If it's not here I'll take them to Ciudad Real".